How One Press Release Attracted 112 Links: Same Words, Different Results
We’ve all been taught how to build links: write great content and publish it on the web. But as an SEO and link builder, I’ve found that there are other ways to achieve high rankings. In this article, we’ll explore several small hacks that can help you earn more links from press releases (or any other content).
Same Words, Different Results: How One Press Release Landed 112 Links
A media release template is a document that contains information about your company or organization, and it's used to announce new products, services or news.
In this case, the founder of Moxie Media wrote a press release that was designed to be shared with other people in her industry (including influencers). The goal was to get 112 links back in return for an investment of just $20 per link!
The Anatomy of a Link-Worthy Press Release
When writing a press release, it's important to include links in the body of your document. Links help readers navigate to other pages on your website or social media profiles and can increase your overall ranking by increasing the number of backlinks (or links) on each page.
Start with a hook: The first thing you want to do when writing a press release is grab readers' attention. If they don't like what they're reading, they won't continue reading—and then you'll have wasted both their time and yours! This means that whatever information is being shared should be interesting enough so as not only keep them engaged but also make them want more information about what's being presented here today here now right now right away!
Use an inverted pyramid format: The logical way we think about how relationships work between people both inside organizations like ours who manage projects together while working toward common goals; outsiders looking into our world through lenses provided by journalists who may write articles about us; investors who invest money into potential businesses before deciding whether those investments are worth pursuing further down road--is through something called "the inverted pyramid."
The List Building Hack That Saved Our Startup
The following media release example landed 112 links and drove traffic to our site:
We're pleased to announce that we'll be partnering with [Startup Name] in order to launch their new product on [Date]. This is a direct result of our partnership, which was formed through our shared belief in the importance of helping small businesses grow and succeed.
We know how important it is for entrepreneurs to have access to expert advice when it comes down to launching their own products or services. That's why we've built a network where entrepreneurs can connect with each other and learn from each other's successes—and failures! We'll continue offering this service through our website (www.[website domain]/startups) as well as by attending conferences like Startup Grind (www.[conference name]/startups).
The $107,000 Press Release and How to Write Your Own
A press release is a newsworthy statement that you want to get out there. The most important thing about writing a good press release is being able to measure the results of your effort.
In order for your press release to be link-worthy, it needs:
A unique angle on the topic at hand (i.e., "The new movie will star Keanu Reeves!")
A strong headline that hooks readers in and makes them want more information (i.e., "Keanu Reeves To Star In New Action Film").
No Big Deal… Right?
The press release was a big deal because it got 112 links from sites like TechCrunch and VentureBeat.
It’s a great way to get eyeballs on your site, but don’t get caught up in the numbers and forget why you started writing in the first place. You can always write another press release if another hundred sites link back to you!
Sure, we promote ourselves to build links. But the best press releases do more than just promote; they deliver valuable content. And that’s how you earn links.
Sure, we promote ourselves to build links. But the best sample press release template do more than just promote; they deliver valuable content. And that’s how you earn links.
To write a press release that will land links:
Know your audience and write for them (not for search engines)
Follow the rules of good writing: use active verbs, avoid clichés and jargon, be concise and clear in your message (don’t ramble), use short paragraphs with 10-15 sentences per paragraph…
In this article, we’ve covered some tips for writing an effective press release that will get you links and help your business grow. The most important thing is to remember that a event press release template

isn’t just about getting page views; it’s also about helping people find what they want or need. When you create content that people want to read, you can use the links from those posts as stepping stones toward bigger things like blog posts, white papers or conference speaking opportunities—all of which can attract new customers to your business. It’s a powerful combination!
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