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Making It Count: Writing a Press Release That Delivers

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Writing a News Release That Delivers: Making It Matter

A press release format is a written document that is used to announce a newsworthy event or item of interest to the public. Press releases are used by companies, nonprofit organizations and governments around the world to promote their products and services.

Understand the purpose of a press release

Press releases are written documents that are used to announce newsworthy events or items of interest to the public. They can be distributed to the media and other interested parties, such as business partners, suppliers and customers.

The purpose of a press release is twofold: firstly, it's intended to generate publicity for a company by providing an overview of its latest product launch; secondly, it provides information on how you can contact you if someone wants more details about your product or service (or vice versa).

Research relevant topics

Writing a press release is an important part of your job, but it's not easy. You have to do your research and come up with a message that can be easily understood by the media.

The first step in writing a press release example is identifying topics that are newsworthy and relevant to your message and target audience. The more specific you can be about those topics, the easier it will be for journalists to write about them—and for readers who want more information on them (like potential customers or clients) to find something related online as well (such as an article written by another publication).

Create an attention-grabbing headline that reflects the message

Create an attention-grabbing headline that reflects the message of the press release. The headline is the most important part of your press release and will help you get the attention of journalists, who are busy people and may not read beyond it. A good rule of thumb is to keep headlines short (no more than 20 words) and include one or two action words that convey what’s happening in your company. If possible, mention a number or statistic in the headline to make it even more compelling.

Make sure your headline is short, catchy and relevant to your topic. Use the first paragraph to explain the news and provide context. The first sentence should catch the reader’s attention, followed by a brief summary of what happened. Don’t be afraid to use quotes from an expert or another source in your industry to add credibility and make it more interesting for journalists.

Use active voice in your headline as it engages readers more effectively than passive tense (e.g., “The company will issue its report…”).

Avoid using jargon or technical terms when possible; instead, use plain English so readers can understand what you're saying without having to look up a definition in a dictionary or encyclopedia.

Provide an introduction that outlines the purpose of the press release

The introduction is the first opportunity to set the stage for what's to come in your press release template. It should give readers an idea of what they can expect, and serve as an introduction to your topic or subject matter.

If you're writing about a company or product, it's best to begin by outlining who owns it and how long it has been around. If you're writing about an event or conference, take time to describe why people would want to attend this particular event (or conference).

Include the who, what, when, where, why and how of the news item.

Include the who, what, when, where and why of your news item.

You should have a paragraph explaining the who (the subject). This can be someone's name or company name. It could be a person or corporation that was involved in this event or activity. If you're writing about someone else's work then use their title instead of their last name; otherwise use both!

List all relevant details here including:

Who they are as an individual or organization - age range; gender; occupation; educational background; interests such as hobbies/sports teams etc.; any awards received over time and how many times they've been nominated for these prizes (if applicable)

Keep the message focused

Avoid straying from the main purpose of the press release and keep it focused.

Don't try to include too much information in a single press release. A good rule of thumb is that if you can't say what you want in one sentence, then it doesn't belong there at all.

Make sure that every section of your press release sample makes sense on its own; don't try to include too many topics in one piece (it will only confuse readers).

Don't use long words or phrases unless they immediately tell readers what you're talking about (for example: "The team was able...," not "Team members have...").

Incorporate quotes from key personnel or spokespeople

Quotes are a useful way to add credibility to your press release. In some cases, they can even be used as an opportunity for you to share information that is not included in the main body of text but may be relevant and interesting for readers.

It's important that you choose quotes carefully because they need to be short and specific (and ideally attributed), otherwise they'll just become part of what would have been a longer quote anyway—and it's unlikely anyone will read them all!

The ideal quote should come from an authoritative source who has knowledge about or insight into what's being talked about in your press release. You might consider contacting someone at the company directly if this person isn't already involved with other media outreach efforts; otherwise, try reaching out through social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook where there may already be existing relationships between people working together at different companies but sharing similar interests (e

Adhere to the standard press release format

The standard news release example includes a headline, body, and boilerplate. Here's a breakdown of what each section means:

Dateline: The date on which your story was released. Example: "The New York Times reports that Google is planning to acquire Zillow for $3 billion."

Headline: The first sentence or two that introduces your story in an attention-grabbing way. It should be short, punchy, and contain keywords related to the content of the piece—but be careful not to overdo it! Too much emphasis on keywords can turn off readers who don't know them already (or aren't interested in learning about them). If you want more tips on how best to write headlines for SEO purposes check out our guide here [link].

Body: This section contains all relevant details about what happened during this event so far as they relate directly back into this article's subject matter area—and if there are any further updates coming soon we'll let readers know when they become available so they can plan accordingly."

Carefully review the press release for any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting.

Proofread: Carefully review the media release template for any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting.

Spellings - Be sure to check your work for spelling errors; this is especially important if you're making a significant change to the original text of a written piece. Make sure "you" is not spelled yoo or yo; that "your" isn't misused as "yer"; that there aren't any typos like "trouble" instead of trouble; or worse yet - words that don't exist!

Grammar - If you're using AP Stylebook rules and guidelines when writing your press release (and we recommend doing so), it's important to proofread carefully because there is no room for error when it comes down to proper usage of language—especially when trying to impress someone with how smart you are about these things! If anything seems unclear or unclearly worded then ask yourself why this might be happening so that way next time all parties involved know exactly what needs changing before publishing goes live again."

In the end, it’s important to remember that this isn’t rocket science. The process of writing a media release example is simple; all you need to do is follow these guidelines and you’ll be well on your way to crafting one that will get attention from journalists and other media outlets looking for stories about your company or organization.

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