Free Press Release Form and Article Submission Form
When you want to get the attention of the media and have your story heard by a large audience, a press release is an excellent way to do so. A good press release will help you get coverage on specific stories that interest journalists and bloggers in your area—an

d keep them interested long enough for them to write about what happened!
Use this free press release template to help you write a short, simple and accurate press release.
Use this free press release template to help you write a short, simple and accurate press release. This template is free to use and it’s a good starting point for writing your own press release.
Step 1: Make your Press Release Unique
A press release example for event is a brief statement about your product or service, written to announce it to the media. It should be no longer than one page and tend towards the concise, with simple language and few words (and no more than three sentences per sentence).
Press releases are usually written in the third person—you're not writing about yourself; instead you're writing about something else! This means that instead of saying “I made this amazing thing” or “My company did this amazing thing”, it can be more effective to say things like: “This new product will revolutionize [enter industry here]!” or “Our new app gives users control over their personal data through encryption technology that prevents hackers from accessing sensitive information like passwords and credit card numbers."
The most important thing when writing your own press release is honesty. You want people reading it because they'll get value out of what you have to say—not because they want some free publicity for themselves or their brand name (which could lead them down a slippery slope).
Step 2: Use Words that are SEO friendly
Use words that are SEO friendly.
In the title and body of your press release, make sure to use keywords that are relevant to your industry. For example, if you're writing about a product for pets, you might want to include "dog food" or "cat food". These are both very specific terms and will help Google understand what type of content this is!
Another thing that can help with ranking is using perfect grammar in all sentences and paragraphs on your article submission form (a rule I'm sure most people don't follow). This not only gives Google an idea of how professional it looks but also makes it easier for readers who might be unfamiliar with certain phrases because they won't have any trouble reading through them."
Step 3: Write a Good Headline
The headline is the first thing a reader will see and it should be catchy, relevant to the story, accurate and unique. You can use our event press release template to write headlines for your articles, but here are some tips for writing great headlines:
Make sure that your headline is grammatically correct. If you're using a free press release template like this one from [website name], make sure that all of the words are spelled correctly (e.g., "free press release"). This will help avoid errors in Google search results later down the line when people try looking up your article on Google or Bing!
Make sure that your article title has at least two words in it (e.g., "How To Write A Press Release"). This gives readers more information than just one word titles like “The best way to start blogging” or “How I became an entrepreneur after college graduation."
Step 4: Utilize your First Paragraph
The first paragraph should be a summary of the most important points in the press release. It should be no longer than two sentences, written in the present tense and using active voice (i.e., refers to something that is happening now).
Step 5: Keep it Short
Keep it short. You want to keep your press release format as short and sweet as possible, while still being effective. Don't ramble on and on, or use flowery language that readers won't understand. Use short sentences and paragraphs so you can get the point across quickly—and make sure those sentences are easy to read!
Step 6: Write for the Reader, Not for Yourself
Write for the reader, not for yourself.
When you write a press release, you should be writing for people who are not familiar with your company or industry. You're telling them about something that's new—the newsworthy aspect of your product or service—and they will want to know why it's interesting. That's what reporters are looking for when they read articles: an explanation of why this new thing matters in the world today. The more relevant and clear your story is from their point of view (and yours), the better chance it has of getting published by mainstream media outlets like newspapers or magazines.
Step 7: Proofread Thoroughly
Once you are satisfied with your release, check it over for spelling and grammar mistakes. This can be done using Google Search or an online spell-checker like WordReference. It's important to make sure that your article is correct in all areas, even if it seems fine when reading through it once or twice at a time.
For added accuracy, get someone else to proofread the final product before publishing. This will catch any errors that may have been missed during editing and ensure that everything is as polished as possible before going live on the Internet!
Here is how to write a good press release.
The first step to writing a good press release is to use a press release template. A good press release example will help you write your message more effectively, and it will also save you time in the long run. If you don't have one yet, here are some tips on how to create one:
Write in the first person (e.g., "I am writing this"). This is important because it makes it feel more personal, which helps readers relate better with what's being said and helps build trust between them and your business or brand name/idea/product/etcetera...things like that! Plus it shows that there's nothing forced about what was said—it's just coming directly from someone who cares deeply about their subject matter...or maybe not so much at all! Either way though, using this format allows people who aren't familiar with how things work within our industry (or even outside of it) know exactly where everything stands without having any trouble understanding what happened before moving forward into next steps."
We hope this post has helped you write a great press release template.
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