Press release examples that will attract media and bloggers' attention
With over 1 billion monthly users and a billion-dollar market cap, Google is the most popular search engine in the world. And while it may seem like all of your competitors are working hard to get noticed on Google, there’s one company that’s especially focused on this goal: You! The only way you can compete with all of these other companies is by publishing high-quality content that gets noticed by people who use search engines. So how do you get more traffic for your website?
One way is through press release example—articles that tell reporters about new products or services; new features; or even interesting stories from your industry. Press releases are great at getting journalists' attention because they're concise and easy to read (that's why so many websites rely on them). But writing one yourself can be difficult if you don't have experience in journalism or marketing—which is why we've created this list of 69+ free press release templates for bloggers and journalists alike!
Free press release template #1: A Classic Format
A classic format is the most basic form of a press release and it's still one of the most effective ways to get your message out there. You'll find this template in every industry. It's the one you start with when you have no idea what kind of information you'll want to include, or how much content or detail should go into each section.
This free press release template has three sections: A) The introduction, B) The body (or main point), and C) The conclusion (or call-to-action).
Free press release template #2: The Problem/Solution Format
The Problem/Solution Format
This is a great way to explain the problem and provide a solution. It’s also helpful for explaining how your solution works, what the benefits are, and how it can be used by others. Here’s an example:
"In order for our company's customers to get the best experience possible when using our software, we asked ourselves: 'How can we make sure that everyone has access?' The answer was simple—we provided free updates every month so that everyone could continue using our product without paying anything extra! Now anyone can use this software without having any tech issues or paying extra fees."
Free press release template #3: The Make-an-Announcement Format
This free press release template is great for announcing something. You can use it to announce a new product or service, an upcoming event, or even an anniversary.
Start with a headline that includes the news you're sharing and then include who, what, where, why and how of your announcement in each section below.
The following information should be included:
Who - The people involved in making this happen (if any) are listed here. If there isn't enough information on them yet but they're important to mention here anyway because they're part of bringing this idea into reality then feel free! Just keep it brief though so people won't get lost reading through all these lines at once!
What - Describe what has happened here (e.g., launched new product). Include some details about how others can benefit from this new product offering as well—for example: “Our customers will now receive unlimited access when ordering their favorite coffee shop's drink online."
Free press release template #4: The Big News Format
The Big News Format is a great press release sample that allows you to focus on the most important parts of your story. It's ideal for businesses or individuals who want to make sure they're getting their message across clearly and concisely.
The first thing you should do when writing this type of press release is introduce yourself as well as your company or product, explain why this news is so important, include quotes from experts in the field (if applicable) and include at least one quote from someone from within your organization who can speak directly about what has happened recently. You may also wish to include a quote from an industry expert who has been quoted previously by other publications; this gives credibility because it shows that others have taken notice of what you have done before now!
Free press release template #5: The Company-History Format
Company-History Format
This is one of the most popular templates for press releases. It’s a great way to showcase your history, accomplishments and future plans. The company-history format looks like this:
[Company Name] is a global leader in [industry]. The company was founded by [founder] in [year]. Since then, it has grown into one of the most successful companies in its industry with over 1000 employees around the world working on exciting new products that are changing lives every day. In addition to being a global leader in its field, [company name] also maintains a strong reputation for ethical business practices as well as being an active member of industry associations such as ACCE (Association Connecting Community Enterprise), ACGME (Association Connecting Grassroots Market Entrepreneurs) and more…
Free press release template #6: The Industry-News Format
This is a great option if you want to report on a newsworthy event or new product or service.
This media release template can also be used when you want to announce an acquisition, partnership or other big deal.
Free press release template #7: The Inbound-Marketing Format
This is a good choice for companies that want to show off their expertise, but don't have much time or resources at their disposal. If you're looking for a template that has everything in one place, this might be what you're looking for.
You can download the Inbound-Marketing Format by visiting our website here:
This press release template includes:
A strong headline – this is what readers will see first when they open your release on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter! Make sure it grabs their attention with an eye-catching title that clearly states what's inside (and where). * A compelling lead paragraph – this section should explain why people should care about your content and how it relates back directly into something important happening somewhere else (for example: "Expertise in X"). This helps establish credibility quickly so readers know exactly why they should read further down into whatever topic(s) under discussion here;
Free press release template #8: The Product Comparison Format
The Product Comparison Format is a great way to compare your product against a competitor, the market average, or even the best in class. This format can also be used as an overview of what you do and how it differs from competitors.
For example:
“We provide customers with easy-to-use software that allows them to track their business expenses more efficiently than ever before! Our system tracks both personal and professional expenses so they know exactly where their money goes every month. And because our software integrates seamlessly with other popular apps like Google Chrome and Trello—you can see all your data at once without having to log into multiple accounts each time you need something updated (or want some quick information about something).
Free press release template #9: The Post-Publication Pitch Format
The post-publication pitch format is a press release template that you can use to pitch your content or blog post after it has been published. This sample press release template is very similar to the Post-Publication Pitch Format, with one major difference: instead of pitching a new article idea, you're pitching an older one that's already out there and getting more traffic.
The advantage here is that people who have already read your post will be familiar with its subject matter and likely have an opinion about it already—which means they're more likely to take action on what you say than if they were hearing about something new from someone who hasn't seen/read anything before (and thus has no way of knowing whether this information might interest them).
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If you want to reach the masses of bloggers and media outlets, then a press release is a great way to do it. They are easily shareable, they can be used in many different ways, and they are a great source of free content for your blog.
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